Southwest Gal in Big Sky Country by Jade Begay

October 29, 2021

Have you ever had a feeling of uncertainty? Like you’re struggling to find who you are and what you are called to do? If so, I am right there with you. Society expects us from an early age to know who and what we want to be when we grow up, but I have come to find it is never too late to discover who you’re meant to be and what you’re called to do. 

I made my decision to become an AmeriCorps VISTA for this specific reason. I graduated from undergrad and spent three years working in a field I had planned to pursue and felt I had lost my sense of direction and purpose in the work I was doing. I decided to take a leap of faith and apply for a position with Montana Campus Compact. It was not long before I heard back, interviewed, and was offered a position. The thought of change sounded thrilling but also very frightening. Especially driving across the country to a new state I had never been too. 

Leading up to my move I was beginning to get anxious, and it was not until I was on road when the feelings of uncertainty began to sink in. I was second guessing my decision and was not certain I had made the right choice. It was not until I drove into Montana, that I knew I was where I needed to be. I was completely speechless about the beauty found in Missoula. I have never quiet seen country quiet like it. 

The feelings of excitement begin to flow again, and I was thrilled to start my year of my service. After orientation, I begin my first day at my assigned non-profit. I was very eager to learn about Moving Mountains Foundation and was thrilled to hear about the work I would be doing within the year. My supervisor and coworkers were so friendly and very welcoming.  As I begin to explore Missoula and become more familiar with my job, I realized I found myself continuously happy within my environment and with the work I was doing. 

It was a good feeling knowing you are doing meaningful work and making an impact in the community you are serving. So far, I am enjoying my year of service and have stepped out of my comfort zone and have met some great people in doing so. I am finding myself more and more each day and am thrilled to see who I am as a person a year from now. So, if you’re like me and have a slightest feeling of certainty of who you are and what vocation you want to pursue, I highly recommend you take the leap of faith and see how a year of service work can change your life and your perspective.