Building Student Dispositions for Community Engaged Learning
This webinar introduces dispositions as a framework for students’ community-engaged learning. Dispositions are filters made up of values, beliefs, cultural backgrounds, and prior experiences that shape how we take in information and make sense of it. Too often, student orientation to community-engaged learning is a checklist of signing waiver forms, logging volunteer hours, and meeting minimum requirements. While logistics matter, the heart of preparation for engaging with community is bringing and developing a set of dispositions that foster positive cognitive and affective growth. While many dispositions can contribute to such growth, focusing on a small set of strategic dispositions provides a robust frame for making sense of community-engaged learning experiences. The webinar is structured around six dispositions: open-mindedness, humility, appreciation of community cultural wealth, intellectual curiosity, empathy, and commitment. These dispositions are particularly vital for community engaged learning designed to promote critical thinking and social justice. David Donahue Star Plaxton-Moore