Spring 2020 Community Building Institute

February 10, 2020

Montana Campus Compact is happy to announce that our Spring 2020 Community Building Institute (CBI) begins next week! CBI is a six-part training for National Service members and community organization professionals; sessions focus on transitioning community-based projects from ideas to well-supported and developed programs. Through this lens, CBI supports sustainable development of community-based initiatives.

Below is an overview of CBI offerings:

Feb. 18th, 11AM-12:15PM: Community Assessment with Dr. Laurie Walker

Learn about tools and techniques to assess and understand the needs of a community. Dr. Laurie Walker will guide us through how to look at what resources exist, and what needs are present in a community. Laurie is an Associate Professor in the School of Social Work at the University of Montana, and has invaluable experience as a community organizer. Laurie’s research and courses support diversity and inclusion, as well as service learning efforts.

Feb. 19th, 11AM-12PM: Creating Community Awareness and Stakeholder Involvement with Dannette Fadness

This session is all about engaging stakeholders to increase buy-in to community projects. Dannette Fadness will discuss effective strategies for increasing awareness in communities, as well as identifying potential stakeholders. Dannette is the AmeriCorps Manager at Montana Campus Compact, and has worked on increasing awareness for many community initiatives.

Feb. 20th, 11AM-12PM: Building Community Advisory Groups with Shannon Stober

Community advisory groups are an important way to involved key community members and stakeholders, and this session will discuss how and when to form such groups. Shannon Stober will walk you through the process of building successful community advisory groups. As one of Montana’s in-demand leadership development professionals, Shannon trains hundreds of individuals each year, and has a wealth of experience with national service and community impact organizations.

Feb. 25th, 11AM-12PM: Social Media and Marketing for Nonprofits with Kyle Pucko

This session focuses on leveraging social media outlets to increase awareness and engagement in your project. Kyle Pucko will discuss strategies for advocacy, fundraising, and engaging with stakeholders through social media and marketing. Kyle is a digital marketer and founder of the Pintler Group, and has designed targeted marketing campaigns for over a decade.

Feb. 26th, 11AM-12PM: Strategic Planning and Implementation with Dr. Roch Turner

In this session, you’ll learn about ways of turning your project plan into reality. Dr. Roch Turner will discuss strategic planning frameworks, as well as different approaches for implementing your strategic plan. Roch is a Professor in the Educational Leadership program at the University of Montana, and studies service to community and social inequities.

Feb. 27th, 11Am-12PM: Evaluation for Everyday Use with Claire Foley

This session will discuss evaluation as a strategy to assess project effectiveness and impact on the community. Claire Foley will go over practical, user-friendly evaluation tools that will help you measure progress. Claire is the Program Specialist at Montana Campus Compact, and has experience conducting evaluations for nonprofits and community organizations.


Interested in learning more? Registration is open for a few more days at Eventbrite, and Montana Campus Compact staff is available to answer questions at 406-243-5458.